100 Things Brewers Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

100 Things Brewers Fans Should Know & Do Before They Die (100 Things...Fans Should Know)

B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas D. COMMUNICATING ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ
Task 1: Say some instructions that may happen in your class and practice them with your friends!

Task 2: Make a short dialogue of asking and giving permission based on the picture and the clue given in the bracket

1. (go to the market)
Rizky : . . .
Mother : . . .

2. (go cycling)
Andy : . . .
Mother : . . .

3. (taste the cake)
Fahri : . . .
Fikri : . . .

4. (borrow the book)
Keysha : . . .
Mrs Lin : . . .​

Task 1: Say some instructions that may happen in your class and practice them with your friends!

Task 2: Make a short dialogue of asking and giving permission based on the picture and the clue given in the bracket

1. (go to the market)
Rizky : . . .
Mother : . . .

2. (go cycling)
Andy : . . .
Mother : . . .

3. (taste the cake)
Fahri : . . .
Fikri : . . .

4. (borrow the book)
Keysha : . . .
Mrs Lin : . . .​

1. (go to the movie)

Rizky : Mom , i want go to the movie, please

Mother : ok, but be to careful

2. (go cycling)

Andy : Mom, I want go cycling in the morning and afternoon

Mother : Good, be careful

3. (taste the cake)

Fahri : mm, this cake is good and very nice

Fikri : Thankyou very much

4.. (borrow the book)

Keysha : Can i borrow your book

Mrs Lin : yes sure, but you must read this book



1. Teacher: Open the windows!

Students: Yes, Ma'am!

Teacher: Close the door!

Students: Yes, Ma'am!

Short Dialogues!

1. (go to the market)

Rizky : May I go to the market, Mom?

Mother : Yes, you may go to the market.

2. (go cycling)

Andy : May I go cycling with my friends, Mom?

Mother : Yes, you may go cycling with your friends.

3. (taste the cake)

Fahri : May I taste the cake, please?

Fikri : Sure, here is the cake for you, enjoy!

4. (borrow the book)

Keysha : May I borrow your book, please?

Mrs Lin : Of course, here you are.


Jawaban dicetak tebal dan merupakan materi pembelajaran Giving Instructions (memberi instruksi) dan Asking & Giving Permission (meminta dan memberika izin) dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Memberikan Instruksi:

1. Guru: Buka jendelanya!

Siswa: Iya, Bu!

Guru: Tutup pintunya!

Siswa: Iya, Bu!

Dialog Singkat!

1. (pergi ke pasar)

Rizky : Bolehkah saya pergi ke pasar, Bu?

Ibu : Ya, kamu boleh pergi ke pasar.

2. (bersepeda)

Andy : Bolehkah aku pergi bersepeda dengan teman-temanku, Bu?

Ibu : Ya, kamu boleh bersepeda dengan teman-temanmu.

3. (mencicipi kue)

Fahri : Bolehkah aku mencicipi kuenya?

Fikri : Tentu, ini kue untukmu, selamat menikmati!

4. (meminjam buku)

Keysha : Bolehkah aku meminjam bukumu?

Nyonya Lin: Tentu saja, ini dia (ini bukunya).

Semoga membantu ya.

Meminta dan memberikan izin menggunakan Modal Verbs (May):

(?) May + Subject + Verb-1 + Object + ?

Yes, Subject + May + Verb-1 + Object

Kalimat Imperatives memberikan instruksi / perintah menggunakan subjek "You" namun tidak dituliskan dalam penulisan kalimat dan tidak diucapkan dalam percakapan.

(+) (You) + Verb-1 + Object + !

Semoga membantu ya.
